Saturday, September 17, 2011

Steroids: Anabolic vs. Androgenic

2.0 Spunout Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

Let’s break down anabolic androgenic steroids by first explaining what androgens are.

How are are androgens different from anabolics?

Androgens make up the majority of a man’s hormones. A woman with heavy facial hair will have a higher level of androgens than estrogens in her body. This could occur naturally by genes or artificially as in the case of trans-gender females.Testosterone is an androgen; it is the best known male hormone. We call androgens male hormones, but they are naturally present in females also -to a lesser degree. The inverse is true as well. Where women have a small amount of male hormones, in normal male physiology, small amounts of female hormones can be present -Who knows? Maybe for the same reason that men have nipples? The word “androgenic” relates to the sexual characteristics of males, such as in a deep voice, thicker muscle, hair on the chest and face and these hormones also aid in the development of male sex organs and pubic hair. Synthetic anabolic androgenic steroids are laboratory made substances that mimics what the natural testosterone (male sex hormone) you have in your body does.

Where the androgenic steroids promote sexual characteristics, The term “anabolic” relates specifically to building muscle. Anabolic androgenic steroids are molecules related to testosterone. Testosterone, as I pointed out already is generated in the bodies of both males and females. This hormone is produced in the gonads of men and women, that is the testicles and the ovaries. In addition to the reproductive organs, both male and females produce a small amount of testosterone in their adrenal glands, the gland responsible for producing another commonly referred to physiological chemical: Adrenaline.

Testosterone, in effect, is both an anabolic and androgenic steroid. In 1939 the Nobel peace prize was offered to the chemists Butenandt and Ruzicka who patented the methods of isolating and synthesizing this compound that showed promise as a feasible “superman drug.” About ten years later Eastern block countries were beginning to experiment with this new discovery to gain a competitive edge in Olympic sports. Telling the young girls of the East German swim team that they were giving them vitamins, their government slipped them AAS; testosterone. They coded this operation “State Plan 14.25. Sadly, this caused the girls many problems later in life, like miscarriages and other gynecological disorders. One swimmer said she had seven miscarriages. Other girls on the team had babies with birth defects.

How do muscles get bigger because of AAS?

“Anabolic” comes from the Greek word meaning ”heaping up” AAS bring about the growth of muscle mass due to protein synthesis. Within the nucleus of muscle cells are receptors that receive this synthetic or natural hormone, and the process of anabolism begins and the muscles begin to build up. The process of building new muscle is accomplished when the protein in the anabolic androgenic steroid binds to a protein molecule in the DNA. AAS, with the assistance of ligands (binding molecules), seem to signal the DNA to call out for increased production of muscle cells.  

We naturally create anabolic androgenic steroids with heavy exercise. Gaining muscle mass by weight lifting will increase the effects of these natural steroids. Homeostasis (the body staying in balance) is maintained because these steroids are produced naturally. Synthesized AAS can interfere with the body’s natural balance, and produce life threatening conditions within the body. I believe in, and am trying a theory that a small, steady dose of topically applied anabolic anrdogenic steroids (testosterone) can be a healthy supplement for men over 40, especially when combined to a healthy diet and exercise. Synthetic anabolic androgenic steroids are sometimes used illegally by people. AAS are sold in the United States only if prescribed by a doctor. My experiment is under a doctors supervision and I reccommend that you also ask your doctors opinion before taking steroids. I am using a pharmaseutical called Androgel. It’s applied to the skin in areas that can be covered by a T-shirt. I will be writing about what it is like from my own point of view and I would like to interview other guys who have had experience with testosterone supplements. Please comment.

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